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The NRA New Shooter Seminar exposes new gun owners to the fundamentals of firearm safety. This seminar is a great introduction to the important safety aspects of owning a firearm. This seminar does not involve any shooting but does cover basic firearms and ammunition safety, function, and operation; other topics include: how to safely handle and store a firearm, what to look for when selecting a firearm, how the range operates and what to expect when you show up for the first time (you can even get your range card at this class). This seminar takes about an hour (depending on questions). It is a great introduction for first-time shooters or those just getting back into shooting and is presented in a relaxed environment with opportunities to ask all your firearms-related questions. Once registered, payment instructions will be sent in a follow-up email within 24 hours. See more training opportunities at www.mobilemarksmanship.com
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