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Online Shotgun Coach School – Field Training

Short Description:

Level 1 Coaches must be at least age 18. Juniors age 15-17 may attend the school to become an NRA Shotgun Junior Trainer. This hybrid of online instruction and practical exercises are used to teach coaching to beginners and intermediate shooters in American Trap, American Skeet, Sporting Clays, International Trap and International Skeet.

More Details:

The course is endorsed by ATA, NSSA, NSCA and USA Shooting. The Field Training reviews lessons on Safety and Risk Management, Rulebook Use and Etiquette, Coaching Ethics, Equipment, Shotgun Shooting Fundamentals, Coaching Methodology, Coaching Trap, Coaching Skeet, Coaching Sporting Clays, Mental Training, Training Planning, and Building Successful Programs by testing your skills with experienced coaches. The National Coaching Development Staff (NCDS) conduct Field Training. The NCDS members set their fee for the Field Training. Come out and complete the training you have already started.

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